Basking in the Sunshine


snow in the smokies1

The sun is shining today! The thick veil of dirty cotton in the sky has finally parted, opening the stage for a brilliant blue sky spilling forth abundant sunshine! And I am totally loving every minute of it, as a matter of fact, I have situated my green metal lounge chair in the one sunny spot on our front deck, angling it towards the sun and here I lie, blissfully engulfed in natural warmth! You see the sun has been absent once again for the past several days, so when it’s allowed to show itself once again, one must take full advantage of this delightful opportunity.

snow in the smokies

The birds are enjoying it as well, and they’ve arranged themselves like feathered ornaments in a bare tree nearby, while they sit and hammer away on sunflower seeds carefully held between their tiny feet. Even our resident screech owl Shivers pokes her face out toward the sun like a fluffy red sunflower, eyes closed, obviously feeling as indulgent as I am by this gift of warmth and brightness. You see, it seems like here in the Smokies this year, a winter day offering a clear blue sky and abundant sunshine is quite rare, so each one is truly a gift!

snow in the smokies3

My Carolina Wren Peedeepeeps fusses nearby trying to convince me he needs more mealworms placed in his bowl, but I must admit I have melted and in my state of sun-absorbing bliss, can’t seem to ply myself from my sunny spot to go and get him some. So for now, he’ll have to be patient and wait a little while longer. The other birds knowing that a sunny day such as this is not one to be taken for granted or wasted, have obviously greatly enjoyed bathing in their favorite birdbath as it’s nearly empty, with the surrounding deck floor looking like a watery Jackson Pollock. I even saw a honeybee visiting the cheery bright faces of my pansies growing in a pot on the front deck.

snow in the smokies4

This time of year here, the sun is angled low enough that it makes one wonder when mid-day is ever going to come and then before you know it the day has passed and the sun is setting again, seeming that noontime never came. It’s the strangest thing to me, but alas winter solstice is coming very soon and then every day thereafter, my beloved sun will start inching its way back up into the sky to where it will once again be shining abundantly on our front deck, a day which I greatly anticipate!

snow in the smokies2

It snowed one night this past week and we awoke to trees blanketed in white, it was a most beautiful scene, especially when the sun came out pairing the trees outlined in white against the brilliant blue sky. By afternoon most of it in our yard had melted except for on the back deck, where the snow turned to ice and stubbornly remained for several days filling me with great trepidation each time I went out to feed the birds and squirrels, being sure I didn’t go on an unplanned trip!

~ In The Studio ~

In the studio, it’s toasty and warm, where I’m currently painting on a piece I’ll be sharing with you later. Wes finished his last painting in a collection of miniature songbirds that is comprised of 6 paintings. The set will debut at the 38th Southeastern Wildlife Exposition this coming February.

miniature songbird paintings wes siegirst
Wes’ series entitled “Backyard Gems”

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~ See Our Miniatures In Person This Week ~

86th Annual International Exhibition of Fine Art in Miniature
Until January 5, 2020: The Mansion at Strathmore, Bethesda, MD

In the Tradition of Audubon Exhibition
Until January 5, 2020: Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati, OH

Society of Animal Artists’ 59th Annual Art & The Animal Exhibition 
Until January 5, 2020: The Briscoe Western Art Museum, San Antonio, TX

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Until Next Time . . . 

~ Rachelle


Fun Digging Through History


turkeyi in smoky mountain national park
Turkey crossing the road winding through the Smoky Mountains 

Wes and I took a whirlwind trip over to Durham, NC this past week, where we went to pick up historical items pertaining to the Society of Animal Artists.  One of our long-time SAA members passed away this summer, leaving behind newsletters and catalogs, among other things. With Wes as Executive Director of the organization, it was decided that we would drive over and get the material to add to the SAA archives. On the drive over we saw a couple different flocks of turkey while winding our way through the Smoky Mountains National Park, which is always a treat!

christmas at gatlinburg
A rainbow of folding chairs line the roads in Gatlinburg

Leaving the park behind and entering Gatlinburg, we began noticing what looked like folding chairs lying along part of the sidewalks lining the main road through town. On the return trip the next day, there were even more of them, creating a continuous rainbow of folding chairs along the edge of the sidewalk, stretching the entire length of Gatlinburg! We decided it must be chairs that people laid in place days early, to save their place for the upcoming Christmas parade, and I must admit we found this unusual practice most interesting. Back at home that evening, Wes started the enjoyable job of digging through everything and finding the missing links in the Society’s 60+ year history.

wes siegirst with SAA historical papers
Wes going through and organizing newly acquired SAA materials

My birds and squirrels are always very happy when we return home, even if we’ve only been gone overnight, and they all come to eat while acting like they haven’t eaten in days! The next day the sun returned for a while, which we all thoroughly enjoyed, especially my precious Bunny squirrel who hung upside down in one of her favorite yoga poses for nearly 15 minutes, obviously enjoying the sun’s warmth and a good stretch!

cute squirrel photo by rachelle siegrist




~  In The Studio  ~

I finished painting a commission that I’ll share with you later. Wes is painting the last painting in a collection of miniature songbirds that will be comprised of 6 paintings.  He had to postpone finishing them when his Ott-lite bulb burned out! The set will debut at the 38th Southeastern Wildlife Exposition this coming February.

miniature songbird paintings by wes siegrist

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~ See Our Miniatures In Person This Week ~

86th Annual International Exhibition of Fine Art in Miniature
Until January 5, 2020: The Mansion at Strathmore, Bethesda, MD

siegrist miniatures in the tradition of audubon exhibitionIn the Tradition of Audubon Exhibition
Until January 5, 2020: Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati, OH

siegrist miniatures in the tradition of audubon exhibition

Society of Animal Artists’ 59th Annual Art & The Animal Exhibition 
Until January 5, 2020: The Briscoe Western Art Museum, San Antonio, TX

Rachelle and wes siegrist paintings in SAA Exhibition at Briscoe Museum


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Until Next Time . . . 

~ Rachelle

A Floating Thanksgiving

rachelle siegrist kayaking

What are the chances that the one single pretty day out of an entire week will actually fall on a holiday? . . . Well, this past holiday was 100%! So while many gathered with family and friends for a feast on Thanksgiving, Wes and I decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather and enjoy it afloat in our kayaks! Armed with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for our lunch, we climbed into our kayaks and off we went happy to have the wind at our backs! Instantly I found myself amidst a flock of mixed warblers, checking, chirping and calling, as their little black silhouettes flitted from limb to limb against a brilliant sky.

photo of Loon
The loon enjoying his fish

We had paddled a short distance up the river when all of a sudden we heard a loud cry! I tried to imagine what in the world it was, and Wes even thought that I had somehow made the noise, and then we suddenly realized that it was a loon. What an amazing sound it was, funneled by the surrounding hillsides and made to sound even louder! We’ve never heard a loon cry before that close in proximity, so it was an experience we will indeed remember! Several Belted Kingfishers flew by at a high rate of speed while chattering their scolding call much of the way, and an immature Bald Eagle gracefully flew directly overhead at one point, gliding over to where it landed on a lofty perch atop a tall pine tree nearby.

beautiful stream

Our precious little friend, a Pied-billed Grebe was floating in the same vicinity we’d seen him before many times and later that afternoon, we saw three more of these adorable tiny little ducks. We found a sunny location for our Thanksgiving feast and slowly floated along, enjoying the ever-changing scenery and gentle rocking motion of the kayaks. Later we found a lovely sundrenched pebble beach where we got out and ate our holiday dessert which of course involved chocolate! While relaxing and watching the ever-changing patterns of the water’s flowing surface, I noticed something was making shadows along the sandy bottom, which were shape-shifting and at times looked like wee perfect solar eclipses! Soon I realized it was floating clumps of sand that were creating this amazing phenomenon, and found myself mesmerized for quite some time as I sat there watching the changing shadows dance across the bottom of the stream.

solar eclipse
The perfect miniature solar eclipse caused by the floating sand

Climbing back into my kayak, I paddled along until I caught up with Wes who was flyfishing, and we enjoyed a most relaxing paddle back to where our adventure started earlier and couldn’t believe it when we came upon the loon!  He had caught a fish and was enjoying his own Thanksgiving feast, graciously letting us watch him the entire time.  For what seemed like half an hour he swam all about me while I sat there in my kayak enjoying every second, most thankful for this amazing encounter!

Me watching the beautiful loon swim nearby

I took this short video of the loon, and although it’s not the best quality, it still shows how magical our special Thanksgiving Day encounter was!

~  In The Studio  ~

I’m still currently painting a commission that I’ll share with you later. Wes is painting a collection of miniature songbirds that will be comprised of 6 paintings.  This week he’s painting the Mockingbird, Mourning Dove, and Eastern Phoebe. The set will debut at the 38th Southeastern Wildlife Exposition this coming February.

Three of Wes’ miniature songbirds

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~ See Our Miniatures In Person This Week ~

A Tradition Of Excellence: American Women Artists
Until December 7, 2019: RS Hanna Gallery, Fredericksburg, TX

86th Annual International Exhibition of Fine Art in Miniature
Until January 5, 2020: The Mansion at Strathmore, Bethesda, MD

In the Tradition of Audubon Exhibition
Until January 5, 2020: Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati, OH

Society of Animal Artists’ 59th Annual Art & The Animal Exhibition 
Until January 5, 2020: The Briscoe Western Art Museum, San Antonio, TX

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Until Next Time . . . 

~ Rachelle